
"First, do no harm."

And doctors follow that oath to the best of their ability.

But as any doctor knows, there are still issues. Still problems and still people die who should not have.

I am not going to tell you I have all the answers, because I don't. But I will tell you I have some poignant suggestions and can offer a few tools to them.

Doctors in the U.S. do a minimum of 8 years of training. Then many branch out into more training to become an ENT, cardiologist, anesthesiologist, psychiatrist and so on. They pay their dues.

Unfortunately, there are still roughly 400,000 deaths in the U.S. each year due to mistakes. Hey, doctors are only human!

But, there are more deaths than counted in that 400,000 above. And none of them are intentional! Not one.

In Med school, doctors are trained in many things. But, they are also stuffed into a box most never escape.

You see, doctors are trained to treat symptoms, not the root cause of our illnesses.

Simply watch the video below where a doctor lays this out in unmistakable terms.

But, what can a mere hypnotist teach a doctor?

A LOT actually. Doctors are authority figures in the eyes of the majority of patients. Sometimes, doctors kill with just words, and they never know it!

That's right, doctors can kill people with words!

Because the wrong words, coming from an authority figure, can in fact be deadly!

And, if they know the right words? They can say them and save lives!

These are things you do not learn in med school. Those that teach med school, cannot teach these things, because they have no idea when it comes to this issue.

I am NOT putting anyone down here, I am merely pointing out a truth that needs to be made very commonly known among doctors.

I will share one situation where words kill people, when spoken by authority figures in white lab coats.

Then, the doctors who read this can decide for themselves if I am wrong, or if maybe, I have something very powerful to share with them that will save lives.

Watch the video, let another doctor explain part of the problem, then, you can read on if you so wish.

Words that kill, a small sample

"You only have three months to live."

What happens to someone when a doctor says those words to them?

No, I am not talking about the emotional devastation, the pain, the fear or other emotions that will run through someone hearing that.

You see, the subconscious mind hears that, from an authority figure, and it reacts to those words!

Studies have proven, just putting on the white coat and placing a stethoscope around your neck has a profound effect on people.

The subconscious mind is the most powerful mechanism of change known to man.

I have studied it for 49 years and worked with it professionally for going on 20 years.

For a taste of what the subconscious mind, guided with hypnosis can do, go to the blog and have a read.

Unfortunately, few of my clients will post in the blog. They say they will but somehow, never get too it.

I suspect that for most of them, it is simply too personal to share in a blog.

Sure, I could plant the post hypnotic suggestion during our work and they would certainly do it.

But, that would be unethical, so I refuse to do it.

But look at what the few brave souls have posted there. And understand, I have only gotten with this blog technology quite recently.

So, what does the subconscious mind do when those words are spoken by an authority figure?

Well, it starts preparing for death in 3 months.

It is in charge of the heart beating, the lungs operating, the immune system functioning, in fact, it is in charge of the whole body.

So, when those words are spoken by an authority figure, it can become a self fulfilling prophecy!

However, if the doctor understands this fact, and does a little training, they can not only stop killing people with words.

They can also heal them with words.

Or, more accurately, help them heal themselves.

If you would like to learn these things, and more, contact me.

As I always say:

Expect miracles, accept success
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