
What nobody ever told you about pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very important time in a woman’s life. But it is even more important in the life of the child.

The fact is, during pregnancy, from a very early stage, the child can hear what you are saying.

And saying the wrong things can lead to so many problems for that child’s life!

No, of course the baby in your womb does not understand your words, but their subconscious is recording everything. So, your conversations about abortion, adoption, a baby is going to mess up your life? This is all recorded and the baby knows who said it.

They know mom and dads voice. But, no they do not understand the words, and that is the problem!

You see, when they learn to talk, they learn the meaning of those words they recorded in the womb, they do not remember them, but their subconscious mind does! And it starts deciphering the words it recorded in the womb. If the subconscious mind discovers, or decides, that this child is a problem, that they should not be here, it just may start trying to act on that understanding.

Wrong or not!

Thus can begin a chain of chronic illness that can very well end in cancer and an early death!

The illnesses are messages from the subconscious mind. What do we do? We see a doctor and the doctor treats the illness, or the symptoms actually and soon those symptoms go away. Great, right? Not so much actually! You see, that illness was a message and you nullified the message without receiving it and understanding it.

The subconscious mind of an adult is very, VERY wise! It has access to pretty much everything you have heard, said, seen, done….. Unfortunately, in this case, it only has the maturity of a six year old.

So, that six year old subconscious mind is not pleased its message was nullified and it sends another, stronger message.

And we go see the doctor and do it again!

Over time this escalates as the subconscious gets more and more angry, possibly even outraged. And then it says, “OK, you refuse to listen to me, so will you listen to CANCER!??!” And there you go, cancer.

Stephen Parkhill, a hypnotist I trained under at one time did a study of cancer patients and found that 60% of those in the study had the exact same situation I described above, while in the womb. Mom and dad talking about abortion and such.

And when he addressed that hypnotically, something like 30% of them, their cancer went into remission, or disappeared completely!

He wrote about it in his book, ‘Answer Cancer’ and it is documented as fact.

So do be careful what you discuss in front of that growing belly ladies.

And consider the implications of this if we extrapolate it out.

This would mean that, while baby is in the womb, if we were to read books on physics to the baby, that information is going to wind up stored, just above the lizard brain and could seriously and positively effect that child’s life, forever.

You could tell the baby about the rules of life and give them a leg up over all the other kids.

Because they may not have access to those memories, but they will effect their choices and actions for as long as they live.

Hey! The subconscious mind remembers and acts upon talk of abortion, by what mechanism would it not also act on other information fed to it in the womb?

Look at how fast children learn. They are little sponges and remember so much, so quickly.

Hopefully you can see that you have an opportunity to literally program that child, from before birth, to be successful in everything they do. Alternately, if you are not aware of this, you could accidentally program them to fail at everything as well.

Consider this as you go through your pregnancy.

Give that child the maximum chance to succeed in life, by being very selective about what you talk about while pregnant and also as that child is growing up.

I cannot tell you how many thousands of hours I have spent undoing harm done by parents in this way.

You can play with your baby before they are born!

Yes, you read that right.

I will give you an example, a game I love to play with a baby before they are born and it is interactive.

You can extrapolate from the example.

Baby, in the womb, is kept at a steady temperature 24/7 right?

So, lay on your back and place a room temperature glass ashtray on your belly.

Now, talk to your baby, encourage the baby in excited terms, to knock the ashtray off your belly!

To the baby, that room temperature ashtray is COLD! So, baby will swat and kick at it, until it goes away.

Now, praise the baby and set the ashtray aside, so it will go to room temperature again.

Repeat as desired.

What did you just do? You entered the babies world, recognized the babies environment,

and used that knowledge to interact with the baby directly and personally.

You just took your first step in establishing a good rapport with baby, and they are not even born yet!

Extrapolate and enjoy!

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