Hypnosis Info

Why hypnosis?

To answer that, let me just repeat this.

(The following passage written by Stephen C. Parkhill)

Onion is an Apple

(When he says "bypass of the critical factor" he means in hypnotic trance)


“For now we’ll just start at the point where bypass of the critical factor has been attained. Once a straight path has been gained to the subconscious mind, the stage-show hypnotist might give the suggestion that the person is about to be given a ripe, delicious apple, and they’re free to eat away. 

The audience next sees the hypnotist hand the person a peeled yellow onion. The audience watches in horror as the subject crunches away with a big smile, totally believing the onion’s a tasty apple. It’s stunning to watch and hard to believe, but real. Once that suggestion got to the subconscious, goal-achieving mind, the most powerful agency known to man accepted it as fact and made it real. 

After ten years working with this stuff, it still blows me away when I see these types of things happen right before my eyes! Is there anything socially redeeming to the old “onion’s an apple” gig? I don’t think so. But look at what the stage-show hypnotist has been able to get the mind to do. 

Using the onion-to-apple example, how long would it take a psychologist to logic a person into that kind of a belief system shift? Well, it would take six sessions to develop rapport ... and then another eight sessions to assess current condition ... not very entertaining . . . and worse yet, not in ten years of weekly visits would the person start to think the onion was an apple! The stage-show hypnotist can accomplish this in a matter of minutes. If you want to talk about changing perceptions, who’s going to want to compete with these stage-show hypnotists!! 

Now, am I recommending that you go to a stage-show hypnotist for healing? No. But learning and applying what they know about the mind is precious to healing. I too see no value in making a person believe that an onion is an apple, but how many people can be helped if changing perceptions of self-worth happens with the same ease?”


As you can see, hypnosis is amazingly powerful for real, lasting, inner change, very quickly. 

Lets compare the therapy methods shall we

In 1970 Alfred A. Barrios conducted a study in Los Angeles that was first printed in
Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice.

Since then, hypnosis has only gotten better and more effective as it has advanced!

So hypnosis is still making strides and helping people more effectively today.

The conclusions of that study look like this below.

What hypnosis is not

I cannot repeat this enough for people new to hypnosis

The first thing you have to do, is forget everything you ever saw about hypnosis on TV or in the movies.

The three big myths about hypnosis

First, Though the word “sleep” gets used, when going into hypnotic trance, you are NOT asleep. You are totally aware the entire time. In fact, all of your senses are tuned in far better than when not in hypnotic trance. So the fact is, you are hyper aware. You know everything that is happening around you and everything that is being said 100% of the time! Though you are so physically relaxed, your head droops onto your chest, it is not sleep. Not by a long shot! You are just almost totally inward focused.

Second, A hypnotist cannot make ANY changes without your express approval. That's right, if you don't approve, it is just words spoken. PERIOD! If someone hypnotized you and then told you “You are going to rob XYZ bank tomorrow,” your eyes would snap open, and you would be saying “WHAT did you just say?” (Unless of course you were totally into robbing that bank) So basically, I am saying you are NOT a zombie! Nobody is in control of you during hypnotic trance, except you.

Third, There is no possible way to get “stuck” in hypnotic trance. One of the people who helped train me was in a hypnosis session a few years back. His client was DEEP in hypnotic trance when he had a heart attack and fell to the floor unconscious. After about a minute of silence, the client got a bit perturbed because she thought the hypnotist had walked out. So she opened her eyes to see what was going on and found the hypnotist on the floor in full cardiac arrest. She grabbed the phone on his desk and called 911, saving his life. You can walk out of a hypnosis session any time you want to.

In conclusion:

During hypnosis, the hypnotist does not control someone, they guide them. They lead them to the tools and tell them how to use them to fix their own issues. It is a team effort. I practice "Blind" whenever possible so I do not even need to know the specifics the majority of the time. I won't take what I consider the risk of re-traumatizing the client by demanding they tell me the specifics. Though in certain instances, I will ask a couple simple questions so I know which direction to take them.

How hypnosis works

Hypnosis is a natural function of the mind. Here is a very good explanation of what it is and how it works. Have a quick watch and you will have a basic, but solid understanding of it. It is not some magical thing, nor is it mysterious, it is a natural function of your mind. 

Is it "Mind Control?" Yes, it certainly is, but it is you controlling your own mind and it is powerful!

This video explains what it is and how it works (1:22)

Where do you find hypnotists today?

Today, they have hypnotists in dental offices, hospitals, surgical preparation rooms, surgical recovery rooms and also, hypnosis is being used for enhancing sports performance among many other things.

(Mike Tyson used hypnosis in his training to become the undisputed heavyweight boxing champion of the world)

Also used in bodybuilding and a wide range of other things.

Hypnosis is being recognized for the incredible things it can help a person do and achieve.

And there are the tens of thousands of success stories each year people share, which glowingly recount major, rapid progress and success with the use of hypnosis. That is only the stories that get shared. Many times the success stories never make it beyond close family members or friends. There are literally millions of success stories every year.

I know hypnotists who have done over 40,000 successful sessions and counting.

There are thousands upon thousands of hypnotists on this planet. And more are busy training as you read this.

You are in and out of hypnosis every day

Every day, you are in hypnotic trance repeatedly. Any time you focus on something, you are in trance to one degree or another. 

A good book is a hypnotic experience. The author leads you into trance with their words. They describe the scene and you start to see the scene in your mind. That is hypnotic trance. The best authors, are the ones who take you deepest into trance.

Any time you daydream or imagine something, you have gone into trance.

Any time you get really focused on something, you have gone into trance.

Hypnotic trance is a completely normal state, which is also vital to our survival.

But where else are you hypnotized regularly?

Television is the biggest source of hypnotic trance you are likely to be exposed too. Advertisers use hypnosis. They show their product and include people having fun, smiling, dancing or whatever. Then, when the people having fun elicit an emotional response from you, I.E. you feel the fun, the advertiser will link, or anchor, that feeling to their product. This is absolutely how it is done. 

They do it to sell you stuff.

Did you really think the advertisement where they tell you "Have a coke and a smile" was just random words? No, it was hypnotic.

And any advertisement with a catchy tune is hypnotic. The fact it is catchy proves this outright.

Furthermore, repetition is a factor. How many times have you seen any particular advertisement for a product you like?

Do you really like that product, or were you hypnotized into liking it?

Now, how many times have you seen an advertisement for a Ferrari?

Never! People who can afford them are not watching TV for the most part.

Movies are the same way. They are structured in a particular way to put you into trance. To get you to focus on what they are showing you. Hypnotic trance can be described as just a high level of focus. But, instead of focusing on something outside yourself, you are turning that focus inward. You are focusing on your internal self. Your mind normally, but also your body.

Authority figures are hypnotic.

In hypnotic trance, the critical factor is bypassed, so we take things as the truth, without reasoning them out. Which is why I tell you this, question everything. Wherever you get information input, examine it. Think about it. No matter who it is giving you that information. Even your doctor. Even me. Test it yourself, by applying logic to it.

There is mounting evidence of a correlation between a doctor telling a patient they have got only so long to live, and the patient dying within a time frame consistent with the doctors projections. You see, the doctor is an authority figure, they are supposed to know. And because of that, when they say something, we expect them to be right and the mind accepts that and acts upon it.

I am certainly NOT trying to imply that doctors do not have the best of intentions or they are doing something wrong. Far from it! But the simple fact is, experimentation has proven that when someone puts on a white lab coat people react differently to them and what they say. They are automatically an authority figure, even if they are not a doctor, because we have been conditioned to think of a doctor when we see someone in that white lab coat. Just like we see a policeman as an authority when we see that uniform.

And here is a devious use of hypnosis. Taking for instance, the talking head on the news. They are presented as a subject matter expert. Making them an authority figure. They speak with absolute confidence. They use their voice, facial expressions, looking directly at the camera at the right moments and so forth. They are hypnotizing you. They ply you with the illusion that they are an authority figure. They may have no idea they are using hypnotic techniques on you, but that makes them no less hypnotic.

Quite often, they will lie to you under that guise. And I am not talking about any particular news station here. They ALL do this. There is ample proof of this. The T.V. news is as scripted as a play written by Shakespeare. Count on it.

There is a solid reason why I, as a hypnotist, have not turned on a T.V. set in over 25 years. As a hypnotist, I catch a bunch of that stuff when they do it. But I can assure you, were I to watch the T.V. There would be more I did not catch. This concerns me.

And children are far more susceptible to this effect, so I strictly limited my children's T.V. exposure time.

It should concern us all.

The Big Difference Between A Hypnotist And A Doctor

When you go to a doctor, the doctor generally treats your symptoms, or gives you antibiotics that can help, but basically the doctor is relying on your body to heal itself over time. When you go to a hypnotist, the hypnotist looks for the root cause of the problem and deals with it. When that happens, the entire problem and everything associated with it quickly goes away.

Doctors rely heavily on pharmaceuticals to try to make you better. If you look into those drugs, they have a list of possible
“side effects” that can be quite long.

More than that, those lists contain, in an alarming number of medications, the possible “side effect” of death!

With hypnosis there is no such possible “side effect.” It simply does not exist. 

There are a lot of reasons to think for yourself and logic things out. Also plenty of reasons to do your own research on any given subject. Make SURE you are getting the whole story.

Lets explore the top ten causes of death in 2017 as reported by Medical News Today.


#1 Heart Disease, over 600,000

#2 Cancer, just under 600,000

#3 Chronic lower respiratory disease, 147,000

#4 Accidents, 136,000

#5 Stroke, 133,000

#6 Alzheimer's disease, over 93,000

#7 Diabetes, 76,000

#8 Influenza and pneumonia, 55,000

#9 Kidney disease, 48,000

#10 Suicide, (all causes) 42,000

What that article does not mention is something frightening. Something that belongs at #3 but is completely omitted. That category? Medical mistakes, also known as medical malpractice. Which accounts for around 400,000 deaths per year. 


The number of deaths due to hypnosis malpractice?

0 (Zero)

That's right. The reason is, Unless it was completely intentional, it is simply not possible!

Hypnosis can help with chronic illness. In many instances, it can help with cancer. That's right, the big C!

Don't believe me? Lets have a look at what a doctor says about this, in his own words.

Yes, this video is linked in several places on this website. I feel it is that important!

Pay attention.

Childhood trauma

Childhood trauma is not something you "just get over" and it can cause so many problems for the victim.

Issues from as far back as pre-birth can effect us throughout our lives.

As humans, we do not always remember, consciously, the traumas we have gone through, as I lay out elsewhere.

There have been studies that strongly suggest that some cases of cancer are linked to verbal abuse while in utero. That's right. For instance, discussions between mom and dad about the baby not being wanted, the possibility of an abortion etc. The baby hears this in the womb. No, it does not understand it. But, the subconscious mind records the input. Then, when language is learned, those inputs are deciphered in the background, unnoticed by anyone. And the results can be disastrous!

In one study, 60% of cancer patients in the study were shown to have been exposed to this type of conversation before birth. The implications are immense! Studies continue.

This next video is is a Pediatrician. Nadine Burk Harris, speaking about this issue. She lays out the truth about this issue. It is a sobering talk. There is no way to deny this. Hypnotists have been aware of this for many decades. What we are talking about here are called
"The root cause" in my practice. This is what I am always seeking to find.

When you deal with the root cause, everything it has caused collapses and the mind, body and spirit can be reunited in health.

At about 9:50 she starts listing some of the problems associated with this. Then goes on to talk about what she makes available at her center to deal with it. Many of these things can be rapidly corrected with hypnosis. If the trauma causes all this, how is years of therapy and talking going to help, when compared to just dealing with the trauma directly in a hypnotic trance? In trance, the trauma can be rapidly overcome and converted to a simple, empowering lesson.

(See Stephen C. Parkhill's "Onion is an Apple at the top of this page)

The idea she is putting forward is spot on. She has connected the dots, to a point. This is what I do every day. I deal with the trauma. But, using hypnosis, it does not take me years, or a lifetime to do that. And as I often say, deal with the root of the problem and the entire thing goes away on its own, naturally, without drugs or a lifetime of trying to fight all the related problems these issues create in our lives.

The human mind already has ALL of the tools needed to deal with this stuff, right there, inside our mind.

However, the mind must be taught how to do this, and afterwards, it will do it automatically for life.

You just need a guide to take you to the root cause, show you how to use the tools, and VIOLA! The issues get solved, quickly, cleanly and permanently. A competent hypnotist, I believe, is many times, the right guide for these issues.

The repair is not a dozen agency referrals, counseling, training, home visits and a lifetime of working on the issues. Typically, as you repair one issue caused by this, another crops up. Why? Because the root cause is intact and active, creating the problems.

At any point in a persons life, when they decide they want to fix the real issue. They can decide to stop chasing symptoms and go find a competent guide, (hypnotist), go into themselves and deal with it in an amazingly short period of time.

Have a look at the video. Listen to what she is saying. Compare her solutions to hypnosis.

Then, tell me how you feel about the difference in approach.

How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime | Nadine Burke Harris

My services

I deal with an incredibly wide range of issues. Total life changes. Negativity clearing. Pain Management, Allergies, Anxiety reduction, Regression, Tranquility Enhancement, Post Traumatic Stress Injury symptoms, Weight Loss, Motivation, Relationship Repair-Renewal And Enhancement, Snoring (Partner), Stop Smoking, Phobia Correction, Memory Enhancement, Self Image, Internal And External Focus, Intrusive Thoughts, Negative Self Talk, Self Sabotage, Self Esteem, Correcting Body Function, Sports Performance Enhancement, Reconnecting Body-Mind And Soul, Making People Attractive To The Kind Of Partner They Seek For A Relationship, Teaching Women To Lead An Emotionally Pain Free Life, Non Surgical Breast Enhancement, Working With Chronic Illness and much more. 

(See the "Issues List" under "Issues information" in the menu)

If you do not see your issue on that truncated list, or on the issues information/issues list page, contact me via E-Mail to learn what I can do for your specific, personal situation or problem. I can also help you to safely experience whatever fantasy you have. Did you ever want to be spider man? Batman? Or sexual fantasies, lived out while fully clothed. All via enhanced imagination. All sights, sounds, smells and sensations involved in order to either fulfill that fantasy, or let you test it out before trying it in real life, all in a safe, protected, relaxed, informal and yet professional atmosphere. All inside your own mind.

About Memo, the hypnotist

I performed my first stage hypnotism in 1970 at a family gathering. Since then I have practiced street and stage hypnotism part time, as a hobbyist for fun. I also did hypnosis for friends and family. Then I started doing hypnosis professionally. I am now a semiretired master hypnotist, because my family kept pushing me to do it again, basically because they know what they have gained and insist I must share my abilities. They said it would be “criminal” not to share this ability with others.

My clients are encouraged to post their stories on the blog, in order to help others. You are hereby under strict life rule number one. The truth. only the truth. Good, bad or indifferent when posting in the blog. It is all about the healing and making ourselves better. Washing away the worries, anxieties, bad habits and so forth and getting in touch with who we actually are inside. 

Becoming who we want to be.

I am also writing my 6th psychology book. The hypnotism, combined with psychology, gives me a unique perspective and allows me to do things quickly many hypnotists never achieve. My entire goal is to make my clients lives better. It is the only reason I ever practiced. It is why I practice now.

A lot of my work is just clearing negativity and communication blockages in between peoples mind and body that causes so many problems in our lives. The mind is very powerful, but when the mind loses the ability to communicate with the body clearly and easily, or it is swimming in negativity, it causes problems. My clients can post as to the results they have experienced with this. I view the feedback as part of my reward for the work I do. So, speak up. Again, rule number one applies.

I am also more inclined to go after a root cause than a symptom. If you just remove the symptom, whatever caused it will come back with another symptom, often worse than the original. A symptom is merely the minds message that something is wrong. In it's own way, this is the mind trying to protect us. Correct the root cause and the symptom goes away naturally.

Ask any questions you have in the blog and I will answer. But I also answer questions in E-Mail as I am able. Your choice.

Memo's Statement

I am a master hypnotist. I opened the doors of my original practice in 2001 and retired in 2016. I now live near Cancun Mexico. I do hypnosis in person and via the internet and I am set up for intensive one on one life restoration and repair, with a built in vacation, at my exclusive clinic here on the Mayan Riviera. My intensive one on one life restoration and repair, is a 1 or 2 week program where I pick the client up at the Cancun Airport, then take them to my clinic/home where they have a private room. Then I work with them every day for the duration of the program. This equates to having a hypnotist right there, working with you, every day. Of course, there is also the relaxing vacation aspect where you work on your tan, have an included daily full body massage and some people like to take some tours while down here. Many things to see and do. The entire process is built around relaxation and enjoyment. This is a life changing experience. Clearing the negativity and then working on each problem in their lives to clear up the past, repair the damage and send them on their way once again, a whole person. Fully connected in mind, body and spirit.

Balance restored to their life, for life.

Expect miracles, accept success
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