The Mind

 The mind is powerful!

Any life issue can be improved inside your mind.

But why won't willpower change everything in short order?

Are we not in control of ourselves?

Lets look at the mind itself.

We have one brain, but, it is right and left side, separated by the Corpus Collosum, a barrier between the two.

Each side has specific functions.

Lets have a look at that, and at how the two communicate.

Left and Right brain have specific functions.

El cerebro izquierdo es lógica, ciencia, analítica, etc.

El hemisferio derecho es artístico, musical, emocional, de memoria a largo plazo, etc.

Se comunican a través del Corpus Collosum, que es una barrera entre los dos. Hay millones de conexiones a través de esta barrera, pero rara vez están realmente activas durante algún tiempo.

Pero la tecnología fMRI demuestra que cuando entramos en hipnosis, ¡esas conexiones cobran vida!

Cuando eso sucede, la comunicación seria comienza a fluir en ambos sentidos. De repente, ambos lados comparten libremente entre sí y esto abre posibilidades que normalmente no tenemos disponibles.

La conexión entre la izquierda y la derecha

There are millions of connections running through the Corpus Collosum. But, only a small fraction of those are active the majority of the time. Until we enter hypnotic trance that is. When that happens, fMRI scans show that the connections light up!

This is when the "magic" of hypnosis becomes possible, because now, we have direct access to the subconscious mind and all of its amazing power. This is where changes in our lives actually happen.

Expect miracles, accept success
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