For Women

Tu puedes cambiar
¡Propia vida!

In order to make changes, it is necessary to understand why things are not working the way you want them to and make a plan to get things on the right track. Here we will discuss the most common way issues start in a woman's life and start to look at how you can correct the issues you desire to correct.

You can fix anything in your life with the proper understanding, plan and follow through.

It all starts with understanding. Lets take a look at how problems in a woman's life start, then escalate into real problems that they will desire to repair.

Por qué las cosas simplemente no funcionan bien.

Todo ser humano tiene problemas que le gustaría corregir. Para corregirlos, primero debemos comprender de dónde provienen. Qué los inició. ¿Cómo se convirtieron en un problema? Una vez que tengamos ese conocimiento, podemos armar un plan para corregirlos.

Por lo general, comienza cuando somos jóvenes. Nuestra personalidad básica y los programas básicos se instalan cuando tenemos 7 años. Estas son las cosas que nos hacen quienes somos y lo que somos. Pero, ¿qué causa los problemas que experimentamos en nuestra vida diaria como adultos? ¿Por dónde empieza?

Hay puntos en común y luego cada mujer tiene su propio conjunto de causas. Porque cada experiencia de vida es diferente. La mente de cada persona tiene diferentes filtros y cada mente maneja la información de una manera diferente.

En Mind Mechanic, este es un tema básico que se comprende profundamente. Y cada problema se trata de manera profesional con comprensión y compasión por el individuo.

Examinemos eso y veamos, ¿de acuerdo?

La mujer y su ser único

 Women are unique individuals, each and every one. They are also quite different than men, especially in how they mentally function. They do not primarily function on logic as men do. Yes, they have and use logic, however their natural first processing function is centered around how the issue feels. It is an emotionally centered process. This is brought about by millions of years of evolution, in which they bear our children and propagate our species. Their minds are hard wired for this function.

This makes them particularly vulnerable in many ways. A casual, joking remark, perceived the wrong way, has a deep impact on a girl or young woman. And because of the way the human mind functions, this can wind up in a situation where a small thing will fester over the years and ultimately, grow into a debilitating issue that crushes her spirit. And unfortunately, once it has gone that far, the momentum keeps it going, and growing. That event is called an “ISE” or initial sensitizing event. This is the root of the vine.

Over time, anything that triggers the emotions and or feelings associated with that event, becomes an “SSE” or secondary sensitizing event. Re-enforcing the ISE and compounding the effect. This builds up over time and causes so many difficulties for the woman. It invades her life like a vine invades a garden. Eventually the vine will kill the garden if it is not dealt with. And in the meantime, it stunts the gardens growth and productivity.

I am not going to go into the many other possible issues, such as sexual assault or intentional psychological abuse. Lets just look at a simple scenario and you can extrapolate the other possible issues and how much worse they can wind up damaging the female mind and life. This is a VERY simple fictional scenario for the sake of understanding the basic structure of problems in a woman's life.

For this fictional instance, at 5 years old, little Jenny is subjected to what she perceives as an insult. Her feelings are hurt, and no matter how the situation is dealt with, the crying may stop, but the issue is now alive, very real to her and in motion. It is at it's most destructive in this scenario, if that “insult” is issued by a father figure. No matter how he tries to explain that it was a joke and no harm was intended, the harm is already done. Sure the crying stops, but the issue is far from over.

At 5 years old, little Jenny is not capable of differentiating between the real and perceived insult. She does not have the tools yet to do that. So the incident is recorded in her subconscious mind, along with all the associated emotions involved with the incident. And though soon she is off doing happy, little girl things, that incident starts to fester like a septic wound, quietly, in the background, unnoticed by anyone, including little Jenny.

Then, at 12 years old, a class mate makes a snide remark that brings those feelings up again, but this time, the original incident does not surface. Only the feelings involved in the ISE come to the forefront. This is an SSE. It re-sensitizes little Jenny's mind and compounds the original problem. Her mind begins to try to deal with that on a subconscious level. She never consciously realizes what is happening. It is all automatic and in the background.

Then, at 26 years old, Jenny's husband makes a flip remark, intending it to be a joke. He is fully expecting a rye look and a chuckle. However, the feelings and emotions instantly surface again and Jenny is hurt, angry, and not willing to listen to the fact that the comment was a joke and not meant in any way to be harmful. Now, there is discord in the marriage and it is not because of what the husband said, that was a little joke and at 26, she has the tools to deal with a joke.

The problem traces all the way back in time to when she was 5 years old and there was an ISE which set the whole thing in motion. This too is an SSE, which compounds the issue. So, the vine spreads out farther into the garden. Of course, there were likely a couple hundred other SSE's in the intervening 21 years. Little things that went virtually unnoticed at the time. But, the subconscious records everything. Every word, situation, action, smell, feeling and emotion. And this simply gets added onto the list.
The list of SSE's is like the leaves on the vine.

Eventually, by say, 35 years old, Jenny has developed anxiety, anger problems, and her sleep is now troubled. And to add insult to injury, her health is fluctuating. You see, the subconscious mind tries to tell us when there is a problem. But, the subconscious does not communicate in words. So, it will reach out with anxiety or some other symptom, trying to alert us that we need to pay attention to something in our lives. Sure, this is a protective measure, but, as anyone with an anxiety problem can tell you, it is destructive on many levels. And I will tell you, once this is in play, things are headed downhill and fast.

Now, to keep this simple, Jenny goes to a psychologist for conventional therapy for the anxiety problem. The psychologist is a caring professional and works to help Jenny deal with the anxiety. They give her tools, guidance, advice, direction and all with genuine care and concern. This is where the real problems start! You see, if Jenny starts to get a handle on the anxiety, the subconscious is not going to be pleased! That anxiety was a message, not a problem, as far as the subconscious is concerned, and the alleviation of that anxiety not only negates the message, it is an insult to the subconscious!

You need to understand here, the subconscious mind, in a person of that age, has the maturity of a six year old! And it never gets any older. When you have negated the message the anxiety represents, the subconscious will send a new message. But this time, it is a stronger message. And as this cycle continues, the messages can escalate into chronic illness or even cancer. Because the subconscious is adamant that its message be received, understood and acted upon.

So now we have an escalation which is guaranteed to be bad for Jenny!

Doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists are trained professionals who take their work seriously. However, none of them are treating causes. They only treat symptoms, because that is what they are trained to do. (See the video at the bottom of the "Home" page) This is great for them because it keeps their customers coming back over and over when new symptoms arise. But, how does that benefit the patient? If the symptoms come back or escalate, what was gained? I equate this methodology with going out to the garden once a week and pulling some leaves off the vine.

Eventually, the vine is still going to kill the garden, it is just going to drag the process out over time.

Now, if you have read the other sections of this website, you know my methods do not always involve addressing the symptoms. They are really not my concern. My concern is, finding the root of the problem. The root of the vine that is killing the garden. And when it is located, snipping it right there. Because, when you snip the root of that vine, the vine dies. The entire thing shrivels up, drys out and blows away, leaving the garden to grow productive and healthy. Or in this case, the symptoms go away naturally never to return.

Now, remember what I said about symptoms, they come back worse. However, in this case, because it all started with the ISE, (the root) once that is dealt with, the subconscious mind is happy and has no more need to send out the messages. The vine is now dead and gone forever. Therefore the garden (woman) can flourish. Unlike the doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist, that solution is permanent and no more time, effort or medication is needed for the rest of the woman's life. The symptoms will simply never return.

This simple scenario is carried out on many different ISE's and it is consistent across the board. This is just how the mind works. There are an infinite number of possible permutations. But the process is cast in stone, it does not change. And, though little Beth was raised in the same house and experienced the exact same ISE at the exact same age, the process details and eventual outcome are going to be completely different. There is no way around this. Which gives rise to the very individual nature of methodologies needed for each.

Therefore, for all the similarities you share with others, your parents were quite right in this regard, when they told you that you are special, unique and there was nobody else in the world quite like you.

Now, when we go to tracing ISE's. We are going to find and deal with many of them. This means that a typical woman will have 30 or more sessions to even come close to dealing with everything and fully freeing herself from the litany of problems the average adult woman faces. Even the strong, productive women you will meet have these problems. They have just learned to cope and hide the issues. But, in the background, they are processing ISE's and SSE's the same as everyone else. And try as they might, they cannot escape the subconscious mind.

Many choose to simply trace and deal with a single vine, and that is just fine too. We trace that single vine to get rid of the big pressing problem and many others disappear as a result. So, all is good!

Expect miracles, accept success

Es hora de ver cómo se pueden hacer las reparaciones

Hay una respuesta a sus problemas, una vez que los identifica. Pase ahora a la página "Woman's Healing" y hablemos de lo que se puede hacer.

Eres el indicado.

Aquí, todo se trata de ti, tus deseos, tu mejora y tu curación.

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