
Without the nurse
Patients would die!

Nurses are indispensable. Without them, people would certainly die. They comfort the patient also. But are you aware of the power of your words?

Lets talk about the power of words. Lets talk about just one word that causes harm almost every time you use it, to those you are trying to help.

Yes, there are a lot of words that, properly used, can help, but I just want to speak of one specific word that you can change and help the people you are trying to help, instead of harming them. And I will even explain why this word harms them and how it does that when you say it.

Con hipnosis, puedo aliviar tu dolor.

I can take a persons pain away, no matter how bad it is. However, I am a professional and would rarely do that.

Making their pain disappear could be dangerous.

Pain, is just the body's alarm system, telling us something is wrong, so we pay attention.

Yes, an accident victim could have their pain removed temporarily.

Take the pain away in normal circumstances, and the person is likely to seriously injure themselves.

That is why I caution people to never work with a hypnotist who says they will take their pain away! A professional knows better than that! A professional will convert the pain, but not make it go away completely.

Dentists offices and surgical rooms, in many places, use hypnosis for pain control today. Working with a competent hypnotist, a root canal can be performed without any anesthesia medication. No Novocaine, nothing. An entire root canal!

Think about that a moment.

All feelings happen in the mind. All pain happens in the mind. Sure, the body has the nerves that pick up and report the injury, but, then the mind decides what the signals are and what they mean. Faced with someone who wants pain relief, I will simply convert what the mind is interpreting to either heat or pressure. Then, I build in serious instructions to pay attention to that and stop what they are doing and seek medical help if it gets worse.

My methods actually work far better than pain pills and not only are non addictive, there is no possibility of overdose.

Now then, about that word.

When a nurse makes their rounds and walks into a a patients room, what do they say when they want to know about pain levels?

Well, they say something to the effect of "How is your pain right now?"

What happens in the mind of the patient when they are asked that question?

Instantly, their mind searches for the pain! It must be there, the authority figure, the nurse, just asked about it!

Now, they are focused on pain and pain hurts! And they will find it, evaluate it and report it, but worse than it needs to be.


Are they lying? Not likely. But, that question confirms the worst to them. Seek, and ye shall find!

I have a challenge for you. Next time you are going to ask that question, stop yourself. Then ask, "What is your comfort level?" You see, "comfort" is far different than pain, even though it is exactly the same thing in this instance! By phrasing your question this way, they do not instantly start scanning their body for terrible pain, they are scanning for "comfort" and they will find it if it is there. But, their mind is not screaming that there is PAIN! Therefore, instead of finding an 8, they may find a 5 or less on the 1-10 scale.

It really is that simple. It is a matter of perception and expectation.

There are many more words I can teach you. And, by assembling words correctly, you can actually promote faster healing, more comfort and a faster recovery. Doctors and nurses are authority figures and their words make a huge difference!

Studies have been done on this issue and been pretty conclusive in their results!

One time, an actor would wear street clothes. The actor would say the same line, every time. But, when that actor said the same line, while wearing a white lab coat, with a stethoscope around their neck, never having claimed to be a doctor, the results were drastically different! And the reason is quite simple, people perceive that coat and stethoscope to be a badge of power and authority!

The effect is even more pronounced when the person is believed to be a doctor or nurse by reliable introduction or setting.

This is the power of the subconscious mind. When you learn to harness it, you increase your effectiveness by orders of magnitude.

If you are interested in learning more, contact me on the "Contact Me" page and we can talk.

Expect miracles, accept success
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