Información de problemas




And here at Mind Mechanic Hypnosis helping is what we do!

Todos compartimos algunos problemas

Todos tenemos problemas. Esa es la condición humana. La pregunta es, ¿estás a cargo de tu vida? ¿Obtienes el socio que quieres? ¿Se sale con la suya? ¿Estás relajado, confiado y sereno? ¿Eres capaz de funcionar sin que aparezcan en tu mente cosas menos que positivas de tu pasado y te distraigan? La gran mayoría de la gente no puede decir estas cosas. Y hay razones para eso.

Hay temas que afectan a hombres y mujeres. Es mucho más probable que ocurran algunos con uno u otro. Algunos, como la disfunción eréctil o los problemas de fertilidad (embarazo), son más o menos específicos de género. Estaré agregando a esta página a medida que pase el tiempo. Aunque algunos temas se tratarán aquí y en un área específica de género debido a superposiciones o diferencias en la estructura de ciertos problemas.

Por ejemplo, la ansiedad puede ser un problema para cualquiera, pero en ciertos temas, como el MST o el trastorno de estrés postraumático, la ansiedad es solo una parte del problema más grande. Teniendo en cuenta que hay mucho más en ese tema que solo ansiedad. En esos casos, estas cosas se cubrirán en varios lugares. Como siempre, si tiene preguntas, hágamelo saber.

Aquí voy a agregar una lista de condiciones generales, luego completaré los detalles debajo de cada una según sea posible. Si hay un problema que cree que debe agregarse, contácteme y avíseme y veré si se puede agregar.

La diferencia entre un hombre y una mujer.

¡Hay diferencias entre hombres y mujeres! Lo sé, ¿verdad? El siguiente video es un discurso de David Page, director del Instituto Whitehead y profesor de biología en el MIT. Él identifica el hecho de que, contrariamente a la creencia científica convencional actual, los hombres y las mujeres son de hecho diferentes. Lo sé, ¿verdad? Él expone los hechos y da algunos buenos ejemplos.

En mi trabajo, tengo que ser consciente de las diferencias entre hombres y mujeres, porque sus mentes funcionan de manera diferente. ¿Quizás esto se deba a las diferencias entre los cromosomas X e Y? Tiendo a pensar que sí. La parte importante es que, en Mind Mechanic Hypnosis, conozco las diferencias. A diferencia de la industria farmacéutica y la industria médica, la adherencia y la práctica de muchos años de considerar que hombres y mujeres son iguales en un 99,9%. Cuando se trata de la mente, este número no se aplica.

A las 7:08 señala que esta diferencia entre hombres y mujeres, por pequeña que parezca, es bastante significativa en el aspecto de la diferencia entre hombres (o mujeres) y un chimpancé. Verá, los hombres, las mujeres y los chimpancés no están tan separados cuando se trata de este tema. Y una vez más, la función de la mente es diferente.

Si los medicamentos no se desarrollan con la idea de que los hombres y las mujeres son diferentes, ¿qué nos estamos perdiendo en cuanto a la cura de una enfermedad en particular? Sabemos que ciertas enfermedades son más problemáticas para uno u otro sexo. Sin embargo, ¿no desarrollamos nuestros medicamentos con esto en mente? ¿No sería mejor para nosotros tener esto en mente e incorporarlo en toda nuestra investigación y desarrollo en lo que respecta a los medicamentos?

Cuando se trata de las funciones de la mente, las diferencias son cruciales. ¿Las mujeres se comunican igual que los hombres? ¡NO! ¿Piensan ellos lo mismo? ¡NO! ¿Procesan la información de la misma manera? ¡NO! ¿Se ven afectados mentalmente por incidentes similares de la misma manera? ¡NO! De hecho, son diferentes, y me aseguro de tener en cuenta ese hecho básico al trabajar con cada cliente.

Some pages are password protected. If you have an issue that is covered behind password protection, contact me and ask for the password to that page.
 There is no shame in self improvement, but some issues are so personal, you must request access to the page.
Some issues require proof of age or parental consent.
Some issues require a doctors referral.
Every issue dealt with is voluntary on the part of the client.
(All consultations, requests and therapy strictly confidential.)

This is a listing of common things hypnotists are asked to work on. For an expanded list, see the issues list page.


Hypnosis is commonly used to aide in stopping smoking. Some clients stop smoking after one session.

Become a Non- Smoker. Book your session today!


Past life regression is used for many reasons from the adventure of exploring a past life to going to past life's to clear trauma manifesting itself in your current life and much more...

& MUCH MORE.....

There are infinite possibilities working with hypnosis. Here are some other services we offer.
These listed issues are NOT all inclusive of the services available.

(If you do not see your issue here, feel free to ask)

Pain Management
Chronic non specific pain as in pain the doctors cannot explain, is often a situation where the alarm is malfunctioning. you see, pain is simply the body's alarm system to alert you when something is wrong. When you hit your thumb with a hammer, the body responds with pain, to let you know you need to pay attention to that thumb.

Stress Reduction
Stress is a very common problem today. It can be managed or even eliminated with the right program. I like to use relaxation anchors and automatic calming programs because I have found them to be quite effective over the years.

– Allergies
This is another place where bad programming is at play. The reaction in allergies is the body attempting to defend itself against a non threat. So, correcting that is pretty straight forward. You simply reset the defense mechanisms when it comes to that particular allergen and viola! The allergy goes away. Your body no longer spends all the energy trying to expel something harmless.

Anxiety Reduction
My grandfather said, "Worry, is just a wish for something we do not want." and he was right. You see, when we worry about something, the subconscious mind can interpret that as something you want, and it WILL give you what you want.
This is very correctable.

Weight Loss
There are many reasons for being overweight. A lot of them trace back to childhood.
When you correct the issue, the eating habits change and the weight falls off naturally.

Motivation is tied to confidence. Yes, there is more to it, but that is often a key ingredient.
You CAN become motivated to do whatever you desire.

Relationship Improvement
See the relationships page.

Self Esteem
This is a foundation issue. So much of our lives are built on this one. This can cause a lot of problems.
I have many ways to deal with this, because everyone is different.

This is a pain issue that is the body running bad programming. Pain is simply an alarm. When the alarm keeps going off without a reason, there is something wrong and it needs to be re-calibrated.

Snoring (Partner)
There is nothing I know of that can stop someone from snoring through hypnosis. So, if your partner snores, my first thing is to reset things so their snoring only helps you sleep better. I convert it from an irritation, to a comfort.

These are nasty little buggers! my goodness, it can be like having an ice pick rammed into your head.
Like other forms of pain, this can be dealt with readily.

Neurological Disorders
These are normally traced back to the subconscious trying to tell you something. There are other causes, but, if the doctors cannot help, it is because they are only equipped to deal with symptoms and not root causes.
See the video at the bottom of the home page for a doctor saying just that.

Phobia Elimination
Phobias are constructed on a good thing. Self protection normally. But, over time, it develops into a problem. The subconscious mind is trying to protect you. But, over time, it over protects. Once again, this is a root cause issue.

Memory Enhancement
Most memory problems (when not caused by injury) are caused by the subject themselves.
Reset the registers and expectations and it improves dramatically.

Self Image Improvement
Another foundation issue. When the self image is improved, so much of your life changes without effort. Relationships, including work and personal improve dramatically when law self esteem is elevated.

Non Specific Nerve Pain
Again, a mistake in the programming. Change the program, lose the pain.

Mental Focus
Hypnosis is all about focus. This is a primary issue for a hypnotist.

Procrastination Issues
This one ties in to the motivation issue. They are closely related, but not the same.

Negative Self Talk
This is a serious problem in peoples lives. This one can undermine anything and everything you do.
Remove it and the entire life improves.

Nerve Damage Bypass
Yes, this is possible. I have done it successfully and it changes peoples lives forever.

Intrusive Thoughts
This ties into the negativity clearing. Which is why that is the first thing I do with every client. After that, the specific issues can be dealt with directly and it goes away.

Self Sabotage
This is tied to negative self talk. It is true that "We are our own worst enemy" at times.

Past Life Regression
Many reasons to do this. It is a personal journey.

Quantum Healing
This is simply turning your minds healing power loose and allowing it to do what it is designed to do.

This is an issue most people have trouble with. We just do not relax enough. There are many reasons, but a common one is, we don't know how. I train the client to relax properly. If you spend just 5 minutes a day relaxing properly, your life will improve.

Habit Control
Any habit can be modified or eliminated with hypnosis. I do not believe cigarettes are addictive. They are habit forming.
And there is a major difference between the two!

Self Improvement
This is possible on so many levels. I work within the clients desires.

I am not afraid to experiment. If the client is not afraid to experiment, I am happy to try new things to improve whatever it is they are wanting to work on. If it is pure experimentation and not just a reapplication of techniques, the client always knows.
If they approve, we move forward.

Fears And Phobias
Phobias are addressed above. But these dovetail into each other. Phobias start out as fears. When fears completely out of control, a phobia is born.

This is a big one. Mike Tyson, the undisputed heavyweight boxing champion of the world used hypnosis to propel him to the top of the field. His trainers understood that hypnosis is a powerful addition to the training for an athlete.

Overcoming Obstacles
If there is an obstacle in your path, it can be overcome. You have the power. I help you access it.

This is normally an anxiety issue.

Improve Self Love
This is a primary component in so many things in our life.

Erectile Dysfunction
If it is not a medical issue, this can be resolved with hypnosis.
Covered in the "Men" section.

Premature Ejaculation
This can be fixed. I hand the client complete control of the function, which solves the issue.

Fertility Issues
There are many way to work with this. One of them I use is to cause 3 red marks on the woman's wrist at peak fertility.
This has proven effective many times over the years.

Body Acceptance
This is part of self esteem. However, sometimes they break into separate issues.

Non Surgical Breast Enhancement
This is slower than surgery of course. However, it leaves no scars, has no potential problems and is completely natural.
I just re-initiate the growth cycle and the body does the rest. The problem can go back to childhood.

Fantasy Fulfillment
See the "Fantasy Island" page for details.

Fantasy Testing
See the "Fantasy Island" page for details.

 This is the Inability Or Difficulty in Achieving Orgasm
This is covered in "The Complete Woman" pages, inside the "women" section.

-- & Much more..

-- Also Private Events Available (Contact for Pricing)

*Some areas of hypnosis require a medical or psychological

Expect miracles, accept success

Teamwork always pays

We can get things done individually, but slowly, or, we can work as a team and accomplish great things much faster. One mind, one vision. However, more minds will expand and improve the vision. It is as simple as that.

Make the decision to repair your life. Change your habits, Install new programs. Do the work that leads to success in your life, in all things. Whatever the problem, it can be repaired.

Whatever it is in your life that you would like to improve, can be improved.

The only limits are those you place on yourself.
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