Asuntos Generales

El viaje de la vida

Where are you going? What mode of travel? When will you get there? How will you know? Life is a journey. Having a destination is important. Knowing when you arrive is even more important! Set goals, strive to reach them. If they seem to big, set a shorter term goal, somewhere on the path to the bigger goal. Then, get moving!

Problemas generales, descripción

Men are biologically predisposed to certain actions, habits and functions. This has been put in place over millions of years. Though many want to refute this, it is a fact. Men are the ones who die in wars. Men are the ones who protect the family. Men are the ones who handle the dangerous stuff. Sure, there are exceptions to all of the above. But that's the basic structure.

You have heard it said that “To every rule, there is an exception!”

But I would say, “To every rule, there is an exception, except the rule that to every rule, there is an exception!” 

Which, of course, only serves to prove the rule.

Sexually, men are programmed to procreate whenever and wherever they can. Yes, some men get past these base urges. But any man who tells me he does not have these urges, is either lying or denying his true nature. He may be completely faithful to his wife, but it is scientifically proven that when a good looking lady walks past, there are certain biological changes that happen in a mans body. There is no way you can stop that or change it. You may change your reaction to it, but you will never stop it from happening.

Now, I am fully aware that some men do not fit this description. Just like some women do not fit the description of a woman exactly. Which neither makes them wrong nor denigrates them in any way. The truth is, I am not going to waste my time trying to name every exception to the standard when the standard is simply a statement about the most common scenarios in any given discussion. You can say “A Maserati is FAST!” But, are you going to slow down and then identify each of the possibly 1,000's that either do not run correctly, are broken, have flat tires or a blown engine? NO! Of course not.

And no, I am not saying that a man or woman who is different from the majority is defective or wrong. Don't go there with me.

So, men are men. And just like women have issues in common with other women, men have issues in common with other men. And then there are those things that all humans have in common. And some issues are specific to male or female. One issue no woman will ever experience, but men can experience would be erectile dysfunction. Or how about prostate cancer? On the other side of that, no man has ever had menstrual cramps or a period. These things are undeniably gender specific.

But, for our purposes here, we want to look at the male brain and talk about its specific attributes which need to be recognized in a hypnosis setting. Face it, men have a problem asking for directions. They also have a problem asking for help. A man reading this has stepped outside his normal comfort zone and has already taken the first step towards getting help.

He is obviously looking around at possibilities.

Pretty much every issue a human can face can be traced to a root cause. The mind is a very powerful thing. Studies have linked it to causing or controlling everything from the immune system, to chronic illness to cancer. And the plain fact is, the mind can be controlled if you understand how it operates. A mans brain and a woman's brain operate differently. Men operate on logic. Women operate on feelings and emotion. This is not to say women do not employ logic.

However, their moment to moment way of dealing with their world is via feelings and emotion.

When a woman starts talking about something that is a problem a mans natural reaction is to start offering solutions. The woman winds up upset and the man can be confused about why she got upset. The simple fact is, she did not want a solution, she wanted to talk about the problem. So, the woman is upset, the man is confused and they handle that in whatever way they handle it.

It is simply the meeting of man and woman and how they each view the world differently.

Having established that, the men's area is for issues of men. If you did not see your issue covered somewhere else on the site and think it belongs here, by all means, let me know so I can address it. It can be added into the website to help others who may be facing the same challenge. And that is what this site is about, helping people face and deal with life's challenges.

Changes can be made

Un poco de esfuerzo hace mucho

One of my teachers liked to say, “Do the drills, get the skills” and that so fits life in general. But, we don't always know what the drills are. That's where reaching out to those who do know, becomes vital. We reach out for help and, in this case, learn the drills so we can get the skills and progress.

Make the leap, on the other side of the gap, life gets much better.

Los hombres también sufren abuso emocional

Here is a talk given by Dr. Timothy Golden.

He lays out some of the the abuse men suffer and the insidious way it creeps into their lives.

He also speaks about the effects.

He is talking about the root cause of a lot of men's problems today.

El acceso a los"Todo el hombre"página

Access to "The whole man" page is password protected. You have to ask for the password in an E-mail to me.

The reason is I need to maintain control of who has access, like I do with "The complete woman" page.

I do not allow men on "The complete woman" page, nor women on "The whole man page" for obvious reasons.

You can access the page with the password I will give you in E-mail. The password is changed regularly.

Expect miracles, accept success
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